Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Low Fat Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars

My 16 year old often complains about breakfast items, or the lack thereof. I seldom keep cereal in the house, and he doesn't like the school breakfasts. So this morning since I was up earlier than usual, I searched Pinterest and found a recipe that was quick and seemed like it would be filling. Low Fat Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars fit the bill.

The only thing stopping me was that I had no applesauce. Then I remembered -- baby food. I have several jars of baby food that my now-toddler never got around to eating, so I went hunting. Lo & behold, 2 jars to choose from: apples & blueberries or apple-banana-strawberry. I wasn't sure how much each jar had; since I was doubling the recipe I needed half a cup. Come to find out, one jar of baby food apple/fruit sauce is almost exactly half a cup. Perfect!

Mixing these up was really easy, really fast, and the result is really good. Mixing everything and getting it in the pan was done within 10 or so minutes, and they were baked in 20 minutes. 

I sliced the first row carefully and put them on a plate to stick in the freezer so they'd firm up for easier eating. They're delicious warm but kind of crumbly; 5 or so minutes in the freezer and they were perfect. 

The aforementioned 16 year old had a few with a glass of milk and pronounced them acceptable. (*whew*) He said they were filling, and sitting here after having a couple, I definitely agree. Hooray!

As I said, I doubled the recipe and made a 9x13 pan. When you've got 6 people in the house, an 8x8 pan of anything isn't going to last very long. If I'm putting the effort in to cook, I want there to be plenty! The recipe doubled nicely, and I'm planning to do some experimenting with different chips and maybe some dried cranberries or raisins. 

Make these - you won't be sorry!

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